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Ex post evaluation and forecast of benefits to EU-15 countries as a result of Cohesion Policy implementation in V4 countries

Zamieszczony raport podsumowuje i prognozuje przyszłe korzyści, jakie państwa UE-15 mogą uzyskać w wynku realizacji polityki spójności w państwach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej. Raport jest dostępny w języku angielskim.

This report is a summary of Ex post evaluation and forecast of benefits to EU-15 countries as a result of Cohesion Policy implementation in the V4, a study conducted by Imapp and the Institute for Structural Research between September 2015 and May 2016, as commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Development.

Ex post evaluation and forecast of benefits to EU-15 countries as a result of Cohesion Policy implementation in V4 countries (PDF 5 MB)