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Wolfgang Meyer, Adj. Prof. (UTAMU) PD Dr. phil, was born 1959 in Ludwigshafen/Rh, Germany. He studied Sociology and Political Science at the University of Mannheim. From 1989 to 1997, he worked at the Universities in Mannheim and Chemnitz, where he made his PhD. Since 1998, he is scientific assistant at the Institute for Sociology at Saarland University and since 2002 senior scientist at Centre for Evaluation (CEval). He is responsible for environment and labour market studies at CEval. Since 2009, he is Vice-director of CEval. In 2013, he achieved the Venia Legendi in Sociology at Saarland University and the Ugandan Technical and Management University (UTAMU) in Kampala appointed him as an adjunct Professor in 2015.

He is one of the founding members of German Evaluation Society and member of numerous evaluation societies and networks. Besides his research activities, he works as a University lecturer in Sociology, Methods of Empirical Research and Evaluation for almost thirty years. He is also active as an evaluation trainer in various training programs in German and English (e.g. FEEZ, EASY-ECO; ECD; MABLE). His research topics are: evaluation research, environmental sociology, labour market research, methodology. He is an author of several publications on evaluation, methods, labour market and environmental topics.